3.9 KB

DT PS Tree

dtpstree shows running processes as a tree. It is a reimplementation of pstree from PSmisc for FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD, and possibly other modern BSD variants. It also works without /proc and will show the full set of processes in a jail even if init is not present.

It is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


You can check out the code straight from the Git repository:

git clone

The code is also available on Github if you would like to make a pull request there.


On FreeBSD, you can install it from the port sysutils/dtpstree:

cd /usr/ports/sysutils/dtpstree
make install

Or you can use pkg instead:

pkg install dtpstree

pkgsrc (NetBSD)

On NetBSD or other systems using pkgsrc, you can install it from the port sysutils/dtpstree:

cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/dtpstree
make install

Or, if there is a binary package, you can use pkg_add instead:

pkg_add dtpstree


On OpenBSD, you can install it from the port sysutils/dtpstree:

cd /usr/ports/sysutils/dtpstree
make install

Or you can use pkg_add instead:

pkg_add dtpstree

DragonFly BSD

On DragonFly BSD, you can install it from the port sysutils/dtpstree:

cd /usr/dports/sysutils/dtpstree
make install

Or you can use pkg instead:

pkg install dtpstree

Debian GNU/kFreeBSD

On Debian GNU/kFreeBSD you can install it

apt-get install dtpstree


Usage: dtpstree [options] [PID|USER]

  -a, --arguments             show command line arguments
  -A, --ascii                 use ASCII line drawing characters
  -c, --no-compact            don't compact identical subtrees
  -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
  -H[PID], --highlight[=PID]  highlight the current process (or PID) and its
  -G, --vt100                 use VT100 line drawing characters
  -k, --show-kernel           show kernel processes
  -l, --long                  don't truncate long lines
  -n, --numeric-sort          sort output by PID
  -p, --show-pids             show PIDs; implies -c
  -t, --show-titles           show process titles
  -u, --uid-changes           show uid transitions
  -U, --unicode               use Unicode line drawing characters
  -V, --version               show version information and exit
  PID, --pid=PID              show only the tree rooted at the process PID
  USER, --user=USER           show only trees rooted at processes of USER