nexus-oss.nuspec 2.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!-- Do not remove this test for UTF-8: if “Ω” doesn’t appear as greek uppercase omega letter enclosed in quotation marks, you should use an editor that supports UTF-8, not this one. -->
  3. <package xmlns="">
  4. <metadata>
  5. <!-- Read this before publishing packages to -->
  6. <id>nexus-oss</id>
  7. <title>Nexus Repository Manager OSS</title>
  8. <version>2.10.2</version>
  9. <authors>Sonatype</authors>
  10. <owners>Miodrag Milić</owners>
  11. <summary>Repository to manage software components required for development, deployment, and provisioning</summary>
  12. <description>Nexus Repository Manager OSS manage software components required for development, deployment, and provisioning. If you develop software, the repository manager can help you share those components with other developers and end users. It greatly simplifies the maintenance of your own internal repositories and access to external repositories. With Nexus Repository Manager and Nexus Repository Manager OSS you can completely control access to, and deployment of, every component in your organization from a single location.
  13. ### Package
  14. Package installer will install the nexus and start the service. The following parameters are available:
  15. * `/InstallDir`
  16. Installation directory, by default `/InstallDir: c:\nexus`
  17. ![screenshot](
  18. </description>
  19. <projectUrl></projectUrl>
  20. <tags>admin repository maven nuget docker package</tags>
  21. <copyright>Sonatype</copyright>
  22. <licenseUrl></licenseUrl>
  23. <requireLicenseAcceptance>false</requireLicenseAcceptance>
  24. <iconUrl></iconUrl>
  25. <dependencies>
  26. <dependency id="javaruntime" version="8.0.40" />
  27. </dependencies>
  28. <releaseNotes></releaseNotes>
  29. <docsUrl></docsUrl>
  30. <bugTrackerUrl></bugTrackerUrl>
  31. <projectSourceUrl></projectSourceUrl>
  32. <packageSourceUrl></packageSourceUrl>
  33. </metadata>
  34. <files>
  35. <file src="tools\**" target="tools" />
  36. </files>
  37. </package>