@" ## Update Variables - AU # # This file is not checked in. It exists only locally. # These same settings should be verified with appveyor.yml # Job parameters `$env:au_timeout = '100' `$env:au_threads = '10' `$env:au_push = 'true' `$env:au_force = 'false' # Github credentials - used to save result to gist and to commit pushed packages to the git repository `$env:github_user = 'YOUR_USER_NAME_HERE' `$env:github_pass = 'YOUR_PASSWORD_OR_2FA_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE' `$env:github_user_repo= 'username/repository' #https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey-packages-template is 'chocolatey/chocolatey-packages-template' # Email credentials - for error notifications `$env:mail_user = 'YOUR_EMAIL_ACCOUNT' `$env:mail_pass = 'YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD_HERE' `$env:mail_server = 'smtp.gmail.com' `$env:mail_port = '587' `$env:mail_enablessl = 'true' # Chocolatey API key - to push updated packages `$env:api_key = 'YOUR_CHOCO_API_KEY_HERE' # ID of the gist used to save run results - create a gist under the github_user (secret or not) and grab the id - https://gist.github.com/name/id `$env:gist_id = 'YOUR_GIST_ID_CREATE_GIST_SAVE_ID_HERE' "@ | Out-File $PSScriptRoot\..\au\update_vars.ps1 -NoClobber # # Uncomment these next lines if you are using AU # and have WMF3+ installed. # Otherwise you need to find a way to install PowerShell PackageManagement # WMF 3/4 only if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt $(New-Object System.Version(""))) { choco install dotnet4.5.1 -y choco upgrade powershell-packagemanagement --ignore-dependencies -y } choco install ruby -y refreshenv # You need the Chocolatey profile installed for this to work properly (Choco v0.9.10.0+). gem install gist --no-ri --no-rdoc Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted Install-Module au -Scope AllUsers #Get-Module au -ListAvailable | select Name, Version