param($Name, $Type) <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new package from the template .DESCRIPTION This function creates a new package by using the directory _template which contains desired package basic settings. #> function New-Package{ [CmdletBinding()] param( #Package name [string] $Name, #Type of the package [ValidateSet('Portable', 'Installer')] [string] $Type='Installer', #Github repository in the form username/repository [string] $GithubRepository ) if ($Name -eq $null) { throw "Name can't be empty" } if (Test-Path $Name) { throw "Package with that name already exists" } if (!(Test-Path _template)) { throw "Template for the packages not found" } cp _template $Name -Recurse $nuspec = gc "$Name\template.nuspec" rm "$Name\template.nuspec" Write-Verbose 'Fixing nuspec' $nuspec = $nuspec -replace '.+', "$Name" $nuspec = $nuspec -replace '.+', "$GithubRepository/master/$Name/icon.png" $nuspec = $nuspec -replace '.+', "$GithubRepository/tree/master/$Name" $nuspec | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 "$Name\$Name.nuspec" switch ($Type) { 'Installer' { Write-Verbose 'Using installer template' rm "$Name\tools\chocolateyInstallZip.ps1" mv "$Name\tools\chocolateyInstallExe.ps1" "$Name\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1" } 'Portable' { Write-Verbose 'Using portable template' rm "$Name\tools\chocolateyInstallExe.ps1" mv "$Name\tools\chocolateyInstallZip.ps1" "$Name\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1" } } Write-Verbose 'Fixing chocolateyInstall.ps1' $installer = gc "$Name\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1" $installer -replace "(^[$]packageName\s*=\s*)('.*')", "`$1'$($Name)'" | sc "$Name\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1" } New-Package $Name $Type -GithubRepository majkinetor/chocolatey -Verbose