# WMF 3/4 only if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt $(New-Object System.Version(""))) { choco install dotnet4.5.1 -y choco upgrade powershell-packagemanagement --ignore-dependencies -y } $refreshenv = Get-Command refreshenv -ea SilentlyContinue if ($refreshenv -ne $null -and $refreshenv.CommandType -ne 'Application') { refreshenv # You need the Chocolatey profile installed for this to work properly (Choco v0.9.10.0+). } else { Write-Warning "We detected that you do not have the Chocolatey PowerShell profile installed, which is necessary for 'refreshenv' to work in PowerShell." } Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted Install-Module au -Scope AllUsers Get-Module au -ListAvailable | select Name, Version