fpt 1.1.0 https://github.com/douglaswth/chocolatey-packages/tree/master/automatic/fpt Douglas Thrift fpt - Flexera Policy Tool Flexera https://github.com/rightscale/policy_sdk/tree/master/cmd/fpt https://cdn.rawgit.com/douglaswth/chocolatey-packages/master/icons/fpt.png https://github.com/rightscale/policy_sdk/blob/master/LICENSE false https://github.com/rightscale/policy_sdk https://github.com/rightscale/policy_sdk/issues fpt flexera rightscale API rest cli go golang Flexera Policy Tool # fpt - Flexera Policy Tool `fpt` is a command line tool to aid in the development and testing of [RightScale Policies](https://docs.rightscale.com/policies/). The tool is able to syntax check, upload, and run Policies. ### Configuration `fpt` interfaces with the [Policy API](https://reference.rightscale.com/governance-policies/). Credentials for the API can be provided in two ways: 1. YAML-based configuration file - Run `fpt config account <name>`, where name is a nickname for the account, to interactively write the configuration file into `$HOME/.fpt.yml` for the first time. You will be prompted for the following fields: * Account ID - Numeric account number, such as `60073` * API endpoint host - Hostname, typically `governance-3.rightscale.com` * Refresh Token - Your personal OAuth token available from **Settings > Account Settings > API Credentials** in the RightScale Cloud Management dashboard 2. Environment variables - These are meant to be used by build systems such as Travis CI. The following vars must be set: `FPT_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_ID`, `FPT_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_HOST`, `FPT_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_REFRESH_TOKEN`. These variables are equivalent to the ones described in the YAML section above. **Please Note**: This is an automatically updated package. If you find it is out of date by more than a day or two, please contact the maintainer(s) and let them know the package is no longer updating correctly. See the [ChangeLog](https://github.com/rightscale/policy_sdk/blob/master/cmd/fpt/ChangeLog.md).