## Chocolatey Packages Template This contains Chocolatey packages, both manually and automatically maintained. ### Folder Structure * automatic - where automatic packaging and packages are kept. These are packages that are automatically maintained using either [AU](https://chocolatey.org/packages/au) or [Ketarin](https://chocolatey.org/packages/ketarin)/[ChocolateyPackageUpdater](https://chocolatey.org/packages/chocolateypackageupdater) combo. * icons - Where you keep icon files for the packages. This is done to reduce issues when packages themselves move around. * ketarin - where ketarin jobs (aka applications or searches) exported as XML are kept. This is done to allow easy of contribution. * manual - where packages that are not automatic are kept. * ops - scripts, jobs, and other items for ensuring automatic packaging. * setup - items for prepping the system to ensure for auto packaging. For setting up your own automatic package repository, please see [Automatic Packaging](https://chocolatey.org/docs/automatic-packages)