Douglas William Thrift 09bd924264 Use the Bouncy Castle that the Google TV remote uses. 13 лет назад
anymote.jar f02ab7db91 Begin making a Google TV IRC bot thingy. 13 лет назад
bcprov-jdk15-143.jar 09bd924264 Use the Bouncy Castle that the Google TV remote uses. 13 лет назад
commons-cli-1.2.jar 701db21913 Checkpoint! 13 лет назад
commons-lang3-3.0-beta.jar 4c8cb41bdf Join/part and ban/unban. 13 лет назад
jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar b38ea5d9b3 Checkpoint progress... 13 лет назад
jmdns.jar b38ea5d9b3 Checkpoint progress... 13 лет назад
pircbot-ppf.jar b38ea5d9b3 Checkpoint progress... 13 лет назад
polo.jar f02ab7db91 Begin making a Google TV IRC bot thingy. 13 лет назад
protobuf-java-2.2.0-lite.jar f02ab7db91 Begin making a Google TV IRC bot thingy. 13 лет назад