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- # Generated by Chef
- ##
- ## Mailbox access control lists.
- ##
- # vfile backend reads ACLs from "dovecot-acl" file from mail directory.
- # You can also optionally give a global ACL directory path where ACLs are
- # applied to all users' mailboxes. The global ACL directory contains
- # one file for each mailbox, eg. INBOX or sub.mailbox. cache_secs parameter
- # specifies how many seconds to wait between stat()ing dovecot-acl file
- # to see if it changed.
- <% if @plugins.has_key?('acl') and @plugins['acl'].kind_of?(Hash) -%>
- <%= Dovecot::Conf.plugin('acl', @plugins['acl']) %>
- <% else -%>
- plugin {
- #acl = vfile:/etc/dovecot/global-acls:cache_secs=300
- }
- # To let users LIST mailboxes shared by other users, Dovecot needs a
- # shared mailbox dictionary. For example:
- plugin {
- #acl_shared_dict = file:/var/lib/dovecot/shared-mailboxes
- }
- <% end -%>