metadata.rb 8.5 KB

  1. name 'dovecot'
  2. maintainer 'Onddo Labs, Sl.'
  3. maintainer_email ''
  4. license 'Apache 2.0'
  5. description 'Installs and configures dovecot.'
  6. long_description, ''))
  7. version '0.1.0'
  8. supports 'centos', '>= 6.0'
  9. supports 'debian', '>= 7.0'
  10. supports 'ubuntu', '>= 12.04'
  11. attribute 'dovecot/user',
  12. :display_name => 'dovecot user',
  13. :description => 'Dovector system user. Should no be changed.',
  14. :type => 'string',
  15. :required => 'optional',
  16. :default => 'dovecot'
  17. attribute 'dovecot/group',
  18. :display_name => 'dovecot group',
  19. :description => 'Dovector system group. Should no be changed.',
  20. :type => 'string',
  21. :required => 'optional',
  22. :default => 'dovecot'
  23. attribute 'dovecot/lib_path',
  24. :display_name => 'dovecot library path',
  25. :description => 'Dovector library path. Should no be changed.',
  26. :calculated => true,
  27. :type => 'string',
  28. :required => 'optional'
  29. attribute 'dovecot/conf_path',
  30. :display_name => 'dovecot configuration path',
  31. :description => 'Dovector configruration files path. Should no be changed.',
  32. :type => 'string',
  33. :required => 'optional',
  34. :default => '/etc/dovecot'
  35. attribute 'dovecot/conf_files_user',
  36. :display_name => 'dovecot configuration files user',
  37. :description => 'System user owner of configuration files.',
  38. :type => 'string',
  39. :required => 'optional',
  40. :default => 'root'
  41. attribute 'dovecot/conf_files_group',
  42. :display_name => 'dovecot configuration files group',
  43. :description => 'System group owner of configuration files.',
  44. :type => 'string',
  45. :required => 'optional',
  46. :default => 'node["dovecot"]["group"]'
  47. attribute 'dovecot/conf_files_mode',
  48. :display_name => 'dovecot configuration files mode',
  49. :description => 'Configuration files system file mode bits.',
  50. :type => 'string',
  51. :required => 'optional',
  52. :default => '00644'
  53. attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/core',
  54. :display_name => 'dovecot core configuration files',
  55. :description => 'Dovecot core configuration files list.',
  56. :type => 'array',
  57. :required => 'optional',
  58. :default => [
  59. 'conf.d/10-auth.conf',
  60. 'conf.d/10-director.conf',
  61. 'conf.d/10-logging.conf',
  62. 'conf.d/10-mail.conf',
  63. 'conf.d/10-master.conf',
  64. 'conf.d/10-ssl.conf',
  65. 'conf.d/10-tcpwrapper.conf',
  66. 'conf.d/15-lda.conf',
  67. 'conf.d/15-mailboxes.conf',
  68. 'conf.d/90-acl.conf',
  69. 'conf.d/90-plugin.conf',
  70. 'conf.d/90-quota.conf',
  71. 'conf.d/auth-checkpassword.conf.ext',
  72. 'conf.d/auth-deny.conf.ext',
  73. 'conf.d/auth-master.conf.ext',
  74. 'conf.d/auth-passwdfile.conf.ext',
  75. 'conf.d/auth-sql.conf.ext',
  76. 'conf.d/auth-static.conf.ext',
  77. 'conf.d/auth-system.conf.ext',
  78. 'conf.d/auth-vpopmail.conf.ext',
  79. 'dovecot.conf',
  80. 'dovecot-db.conf.ext',
  81. 'dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext',
  82. 'dovecot-sql.conf.ext',
  83. ]
  84. attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/imap',
  85. :display_name => 'dovecot imap configuration files',
  86. :description => 'Dovecot IMAP configuration files list.',
  87. :type => 'array',
  88. :required => 'optional',
  89. :default => [
  90. 'conf.d/20-imap.conf',
  91. ]
  92. attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/pop3',
  93. :display_name => 'dovecot pop3 configuration files',
  94. :description => 'Dovecot POP3 configuration files list.',
  95. :type => 'array',
  96. :required => 'optional',
  97. :default => [
  98. 'conf.d/20-pop3.conf',
  99. ]
  100. attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/lmtp',
  101. :display_name => 'dovecot lmtp configuration files',
  102. :description => 'Dovecot LMTP configuration files list.',
  103. :type => 'array',
  104. :required => 'optional',
  105. :default => [
  106. 'conf.d/20-lmtp.conf',
  107. ]
  108. attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/sieve',
  109. :display_name => 'dovecot sieve configuration files',
  110. :description => 'Dovecot Sieve configuration files list.',
  111. :type => 'array',
  112. :required => 'optional',
  113. :default => [
  114. 'conf.d/20-managesieve.conf',
  115. 'conf.d/90-sieve.conf',
  116. ]
  117. attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/ldap',
  118. :display_name => 'dovecot ldap configuration files',
  119. :description => 'Dovecot LDAP configuration files list.',
  120. :type => 'array',
  121. :required => 'optional',
  122. :default => [
  123. 'dovecot-ldap.conf.ext',
  124. 'conf.d/auth-ldap.conf.ext',
  125. ]
  126. attribute 'dovecot/auth',
  127. :display_name => 'dovecot auth',
  128. :description => 'Dovecot Authentication Databases as a hash of hashes. Supported authdbs: checkpassword, deny, ldap, master, passwdfile, sql, system and vpopmail.',
  129. :type => 'string',
  130. :required => 'optional',
  131. :default => '{}'
  132. attribute 'dovecot/namespaces',
  133. :display_name => 'dovecot namespaces',
  134. :description => 'Dovecot Namespaces as an array of hashes.',
  135. :type => 'array',
  136. :required => 'optional',
  137. :default => []
  138. attribute 'dovecot/plugins',
  139. :display_name => 'dovecot plugins',
  140. :description => 'Dovecot Plugins configuration as a hash of hashes. Supported plugins: mail_log, acl and quota.',
  141. :type => 'string',
  142. :required => 'optional',
  143. :default => '{
  144. "sieve" => {
  145. "sieve" => "~/.dovecot.sieve",
  146. "sieve_dir" => "~/sieve",
  147. }
  148. }'
  149. attribute 'dovecot/protocolos',
  150. :display_name => 'dovecot protocols',
  151. :description => 'Dovecot Protocols configuration as a hash of hashes. Supported protocols: lda, imap, lmtp, sieve and pop3.',
  152. :type => 'string',
  153. :required => 'optional',
  154. :default => '{}'
  155. attribute 'dovecot/services',
  156. :display_name => 'dovecot services',
  157. :description => 'Dovecot Services configuration as a hash of hashes. Supported services: director, imap-login, pop3-login, lmtp, imap, pop3, auth, auth-worker, dict, tcpwrap, managesieve-login and managesieve.',
  158. :type => 'string',
  159. :required => 'optional',
  160. :default => '{}'
  161. grouping 'dovecot/conf',
  162. :title => 'dovecot conf',
  163. :description => 'Dovecot configuration values'
  164. attribute 'dovecot/conf/mail_plugins',
  165. :display_name => 'dovecot mail plugins',
  166. :description => 'Dovecot default enabled mail_plugins.',
  167. :type => 'array',
  168. :required => 'optional',
  169. :default => []
  170. #
  171. # dovecot.conf
  172. #
  173. attribute 'dovecot/conf/listen',
  174. :display_name => 'listen',
  175. :description => 'A comma separated list of IPs or hosts where to listen in for connections.',
  176. :type => 'string',
  177. :required => 'optional',
  178. :default => 'nil'
  179. attribute 'dovecot/conf/base_dir',
  180. :display_name => 'dovecot base dir',
  181. :description => 'Base directory where to store runtime data.',
  182. :type => 'string',
  183. :required => 'optional',
  184. :default => 'nil'
  185. attribute 'dovecot/conf/instance_name',
  186. :display_name => 'instance name',
  187. :description => 'Name of this instance. Used to prefix all Dovecot processes in ps output.',
  188. :type => 'string',
  189. :required => 'optional',
  190. :default => 'nil'
  191. attribute 'dovecot/conf/login_greeting',
  192. :display_name => 'login greeting',
  193. :description => 'Greeting message for clients.',
  194. :type => 'string',
  195. :required => 'optional',
  196. :default => 'nil'
  197. attribute 'dovecot/conf/login_trusted_networks',
  198. :display_name => 'login trusted networks',
  199. :description => 'Space separated list of trusted network ranges.',
  200. :type => 'string',
  201. :required => 'optional',
  202. :default => 'nil'
  203. attribute 'dovecot/conf/login_access_sockets',
  204. :display_name => 'login access sockets',
  205. :description => 'Space separated list of login access check sockets.',
  206. :type => 'string',
  207. :required => 'optional',
  208. :default => 'nil'
  209. attribute 'dovecot/conf/verbose_proctitle',
  210. :display_name => 'verbose proctitle',
  211. :description => 'Show more verbose process titles (in ps).',
  212. :type => 'string',
  213. :required => 'optional',
  214. :default => 'nil'
  215. attribute 'dovecot/conf/shutdown_clients',
  216. :display_name => 'shutdown clients',
  217. :description => 'Should all processes be killed when Dovecot master process shuts down.',
  218. :type => 'string',
  219. :required => 'optional',
  220. :default => 'nil'
  221. attribute 'dovecot/conf/doveadm_worker_count',
  222. :display_name => 'doveadm worker count',
  223. :description => 'If non-zero, run mail commands via this many connections to doveadm server.',
  224. :type => 'string',
  225. :required => 'optional',
  226. :default => 'nil'
  227. attribute 'dovecot/conf/doveadm_socket_path',
  228. :display_name => 'doveadm socket path',
  229. :description => 'UNIX socket or host:port used for connecting to doveadm server.',
  230. :type => 'string',
  231. :required => 'optional',
  232. :default => 'nil'
  233. attribute 'dovecot/conf/import_environment',
  234. :display_name => 'import environment',
  235. :description => 'Space separated list of environment variables that are preserved on Dovecot startup and his childs.',
  236. :type => 'string',
  237. :required => 'optional',
  238. :default => 'nil'
  239. attribute 'dovecot/conf/dict',
  240. :display_name => 'dict',
  241. :description => 'Dictionary server settings as a hash.',
  242. :type => 'string',
  243. :required => 'optional',
  244. :default => 'nil'