name 'dovecot' maintainer 'Onddo Labs, Sl.' maintainer_email '' license 'Apache 2.0' description 'Installs and configures dovecot.' long_description, '')) version '0.1.0' supports 'centos', '>= 6.0' supports 'debian', '>= 7.0' supports 'ubuntu', '>= 12.04' attribute 'dovecot/user', :display_name => 'dovecot user', :description => 'Dovector system user. Should no be changed.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'dovecot' attribute 'dovecot/group', :display_name => 'dovecot group', :description => 'Dovector system group. Should no be changed.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'dovecot' attribute 'dovecot/lib_path', :display_name => 'dovecot library path', :description => 'Dovector library path. Should no be changed.', :calculated => true, :type => 'string', :required => 'optional' attribute 'dovecot/conf_path', :display_name => 'dovecot configuration path', :description => 'Dovector configruration files path. Should no be changed.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => '/etc/dovecot' attribute 'dovecot/conf_files_user', :display_name => 'dovecot configuration files user', :description => 'System user owner of configuration files.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'root' attribute 'dovecot/conf_files_group', :display_name => 'dovecot configuration files group', :description => 'System group owner of configuration files.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'node["dovecot"]["group"]' attribute 'dovecot/conf_files_mode', :display_name => 'dovecot configuration files mode', :description => 'Configuration files system file mode bits.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => '00644' attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/core', :display_name => 'dovecot core configuration files', :description => 'Dovecot core configuration files list.', :type => 'array', :required => 'optional', :default => [ 'conf.d/10-auth.conf', 'conf.d/10-director.conf', 'conf.d/10-logging.conf', 'conf.d/10-mail.conf', 'conf.d/10-master.conf', 'conf.d/10-ssl.conf', 'conf.d/10-tcpwrapper.conf', 'conf.d/15-lda.conf', 'conf.d/15-mailboxes.conf', 'conf.d/90-acl.conf', 'conf.d/90-plugin.conf', 'conf.d/90-quota.conf', 'conf.d/auth-checkpassword.conf.ext', 'conf.d/auth-deny.conf.ext', 'conf.d/auth-master.conf.ext', 'conf.d/auth-passwdfile.conf.ext', 'conf.d/auth-sql.conf.ext', 'conf.d/auth-static.conf.ext', 'conf.d/auth-system.conf.ext', 'conf.d/auth-vpopmail.conf.ext', 'dovecot.conf', 'dovecot-db.conf.ext', 'dovecot-dict-sql.conf.ext', 'dovecot-sql.conf.ext', ] attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/imap', :display_name => 'dovecot imap configuration files', :description => 'Dovecot IMAP configuration files list.', :type => 'array', :required => 'optional', :default => [ 'conf.d/20-imap.conf', ] attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/pop3', :display_name => 'dovecot pop3 configuration files', :description => 'Dovecot POP3 configuration files list.', :type => 'array', :required => 'optional', :default => [ 'conf.d/20-pop3.conf', ] attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/lmtp', :display_name => 'dovecot lmtp configuration files', :description => 'Dovecot LMTP configuration files list.', :type => 'array', :required => 'optional', :default => [ 'conf.d/20-lmtp.conf', ] attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/sieve', :display_name => 'dovecot sieve configuration files', :description => 'Dovecot Sieve configuration files list.', :type => 'array', :required => 'optional', :default => [ 'conf.d/20-managesieve.conf', 'conf.d/90-sieve.conf', ] attribute 'dovecot/conf_files/ldap', :display_name => 'dovecot ldap configuration files', :description => 'Dovecot LDAP configuration files list.', :type => 'array', :required => 'optional', :default => [ 'dovecot-ldap.conf.ext', 'conf.d/auth-ldap.conf.ext', ] attribute 'dovecot/auth', :display_name => 'dovecot auth', :description => 'Dovecot Authentication Databases as a hash of hashes. Supported authdbs: checkpassword, deny, ldap, master, passwdfile, sql, system and vpopmail.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => '{}' attribute 'dovecot/namespaces', :display_name => 'dovecot namespaces', :description => 'Dovecot Namespaces as an array of hashes.', :type => 'array', :required => 'optional', :default => [] attribute 'dovecot/plugins', :display_name => 'dovecot plugins', :description => 'Dovecot Plugins configuration as a hash of hashes. Supported plugins: mail_log, acl and quota.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => '{ "sieve" => { "sieve" => "~/.dovecot.sieve", "sieve_dir" => "~/sieve", } }' attribute 'dovecot/protocolos', :display_name => 'dovecot protocols', :description => 'Dovecot Protocols configuration as a hash of hashes. Supported protocols: lda, imap, lmtp, sieve and pop3.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => '{}' attribute 'dovecot/services', :display_name => 'dovecot services', :description => 'Dovecot Services configuration as a hash of hashes. Supported services: director, imap-login, pop3-login, lmtp, imap, pop3, auth, auth-worker, dict, tcpwrap, managesieve-login and managesieve.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => '{}' grouping 'dovecot/conf', :title => 'dovecot conf', :description => 'Dovecot configuration values' attribute 'dovecot/conf/mail_plugins', :display_name => 'dovecot mail plugins', :description => 'Dovecot default enabled mail_plugins.', :type => 'array', :required => 'optional', :default => [] # # dovecot.conf # attribute 'dovecot/conf/listen', :display_name => 'listen', :description => 'A comma separated list of IPs or hosts where to listen in for connections.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/base_dir', :display_name => 'dovecot base dir', :description => 'Base directory where to store runtime data.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/instance_name', :display_name => 'instance name', :description => 'Name of this instance. Used to prefix all Dovecot processes in ps output.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/login_greeting', :display_name => 'login greeting', :description => 'Greeting message for clients.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/login_trusted_networks', :display_name => 'login trusted networks', :description => 'Space separated list of trusted network ranges.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/login_access_sockets', :display_name => 'login access sockets', :description => 'Space separated list of login access check sockets.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/verbose_proctitle', :display_name => 'verbose proctitle', :description => 'Show more verbose process titles (in ps).', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/shutdown_clients', :display_name => 'shutdown clients', :description => 'Should all processes be killed when Dovecot master process shuts down.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/doveadm_worker_count', :display_name => 'doveadm worker count', :description => 'If non-zero, run mail commands via this many connections to doveadm server.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/doveadm_socket_path', :display_name => 'doveadm socket path', :description => 'UNIX socket or host:port used for connecting to doveadm server.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/import_environment', :display_name => 'import environment', :description => 'Space separated list of environment variables that are preserved on Dovecot startup and his childs.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/dict', :display_name => 'dict', :description => 'Dictionary server settings as a hash.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' # # conf.d/10-auth.conf # attribute 'dovecot/conf/disable_plaintext_auth', :display_name => 'disable plaintext auth', :description => 'Disable LOGIN command and all other plaintext authentications unless SSL/TLS is used.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_cache_size', :display_name => 'auth cache size', :description => 'Authentication cache size (e.g. 10M). 0 means it\'s disabled.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_cache_ttl', :display_name => 'auth cache ttl', :description => 'Time to live for cached data.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_cache_negative_ttl', :display_name => 'auth cache negative ttl', :description => 'TTL for negative hits (user not found, password mismatch).', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_realms', :display_name => 'disable plaintext auth', :description => 'Space separated list (or array) of realms for SASL authentication mechanisms that need them.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_default_realm', :display_name => 'auth default realm', :description => 'Default realm/domain to use if none was specified.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_username_chars', :display_name => 'auth username chars', :description => 'List of allowed characters in username.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_username_translation', :display_name => 'auth username translation', :description => 'Username character translations before it\'s looked up from databases.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_username_format', :display_name => 'auth username format', :description => 'Username formatting before it\'s looked up from databases.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_master_user_separator', :display_name => 'auth master user separator', :description => 'If you want to allow master users to log in by specifying the master username within the normal username string, you can specify the separator character here (format: ).', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_anonymous_username', :display_name => 'auth anonymous username', :description => 'Username to use for users logging in with ANONYMOUS SASL mechanism.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_worker_max_count', :display_name => 'auth worker max count', :description => 'Maximum number of dovecot-auth worker processes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_gssapi_hostname', :display_name => 'auth gssapi hostname', :description => 'Host name to use in GSSAPI principal names.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_krb5_keytab', :display_name => 'auth krb5 keytab', :description => 'Kerberos keytab to use for the GSSAPI mechanism.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_use_winbind', :display_name => 'auth use winbind', :description => 'Do NTLM and GSS-SPNEGO authentication using Samba\'s winbind daemon and ntlm_auth helper.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_winbind_helper_path', :display_name => 'auth winbind helper path', :description => 'Path for Samba\'s ntlm_auth helper binary.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_failure_delay', :display_name => 'auth failure delay', :description => 'Time to delay before replying to failed authentications.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_ssl_require_client_cert', :display_name => 'auth ssl require client cert', :description => 'Take the username from client\'s SSL certificate, using X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID() which returns the subject\'s DN\'s CommonName.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_mechanisms', :display_name => 'auth mechanisms', :description => 'Space separated list of wanted authentication mechanisms: plain, login, digest-md5, cram-md5, ntlm, rpa, apop, anonymous, gssapi, otp, skey, gss-spnego', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'plain' # # conf.d/10-director.conf # attribute 'dovecot/conf/director_servers', :display_name => 'director servers', :description => 'List of IPs or hostnames to all director servers, including ourself (as a string or as an array).', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/director_mail_servers', :display_name => 'director mail servers', :description => 'List of IPs or hostnames to all backend mail servers.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/director_user_expire', :display_name => 'director_user_expire', :description => 'How long to redirect users to a specific server after it no longer has any connections.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/director_doveadm_port', :display_name => 'director doveadm port', :description => 'TCP/IP port that accepts doveadm connections (instead of director connections).', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' # # conf.d/10-logging.conf # attribute 'dovecot/conf/log_path', :display_name => 'path', :description => 'Log file to use for error messages. "syslog" logs to syslog, /dev/stderr logs to stderr.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/info_log_path', :display_name => 'info log path', :description => 'Log file to use for informational messages. Defaults to log_path.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/debug_log_path', :display_name => 'debug log path', :description => 'Log file to use for debug messages. Defaults to info_log_path.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/syslog_facility', :display_name => 'syslog facility', :description => 'Syslog facility to use if you\'re logging to syslog.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_verbose', :display_name => 'auth verbose', :description => 'Log unsuccessful authentication attempts and the reasons why they failed.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_verbose_passwords', :display_name => 'auth verbose passwords', :description => 'In case of password mismatches, log the attempted password.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_debug', :display_name => 'auth debug', :description => 'Even more verbose logging for debugging purposes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/auth_debug_passwords', :display_name => 'auth debug passwords', :description => 'In case of password mismatches, log the passwords and used scheme so the problem can be debugged.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/mail_debug', :display_name => 'mail debug', :description => 'Enable mail process debugging.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/verbose_ssl', :display_name => 'verbose ssl', :description => 'Show protocol level SSL errors.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/log_timestamp', :display_name => 'log timestamp', :description => 'Prefix for each line written to log file.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/login_log_format_elements', :display_name => 'login log format elements', :description => 'Space-separated list (or array) of elements we want to log.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/login_log_format', :display_name => 'login log format', :description => 'Login log format.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/mail_log_prefix', :display_name => 'mail log prefix', :description => 'Log prefix for mail processes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/conf/deliver_log_format', :display_name => 'deliver log format', :description => 'Format to use for logging mail deliveries.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' # # conf.d/10-mail.conf # attribute 'dovecot/mail_location', :display_name => 'mail location', :description => 'Location for user\'s mailboxes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_uid', :display_name => 'mail uid', :description => 'System user used to access mails.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_gid', :display_name => 'mail gid', :description => 'System group used to access mails.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_privileged_group', :display_name => 'mail privileged group', :description => 'Group to enable temporarily for privileged operations.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_access_groups', :display_name => 'mail access groups', :description => 'Grant access to these supplementary groups for mail processes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_full_filesystem_access', :display_name => 'mail full filesystem access', :description => 'Allow full filesystem access to clients.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mmap_disable', :display_name => 'mmap disable', :description => 'Don\'t use mmap() at all.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/dotlock_use_excl', :display_name => 'dotlock use excl', :description => 'Rely on O_EXCL to work when creating dotlock files.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_fsync', :display_name => 'mail fsync', :description => 'When to use fsync() or fdatasync() calls: optimized, always or never', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_nfs_storage', :display_name => 'mail nfs storage', :description => 'Mail storage exists in NFS.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_nfs_index', :display_name => 'mail nfs index', :description => 'Mail index files also exist in NFS.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/lock_method', :display_name => 'lock method', :description => 'Locking method for index files: fcntl, flock or dotlock.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_temp_dir', :display_name => 'mail temp dir', :description => 'Directory in which LDA/LMTP temporarily stores incoming mails >128 kB.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/first_valid_uid', :display_name => 'first valid uid', :description => 'Valid UID range for users, defaults to 500 and above.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/last_valid_uid', :display_name => 'last valid uid', :description => 'Valid UID range for users, defaults to 500 and above.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/first_valid_gid', :display_name => 'first valid gid', :description => 'Valid GID range for users, defaults to non-root/wheel.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/last_valid_gid', :display_name => 'last valid gid', :description => 'Valid GID range for users, defaults to non-root/wheel.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_max_keyword_length', :display_name => 'mail max keyword length', :description => 'Maximum allowed length for mail keyword name.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/valid_chroot_dirs', :display_name => 'valid chroot dirs', :description => '\':\' separated list of directories under which chrooting is allowed for mail processes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_chroot', :display_name => 'mail chroot', :description => 'Default chroot directory for mail processes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/auth_socket_path', :display_name => 'auth socket path', :description => 'UNIX socket path to master authentication server to find users.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_plugin_dir', :display_name => 'mail plugin dir', :description => 'Directory where to look up mail plugins.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_cache_min_mail_count', :display_name => 'mail cache min mail count', :description => 'The minimum number of mails in a mailbox before updates are done to cache file.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mailbox_idle_check_interval', :display_name => 'mailbox idle check interval', :description => 'When IDLE command is running, mailbox is checked once in a while to see if there are any new mails or other changes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_save_crlf', :display_name => 'mail save crlf', :description => 'Save mails with CR+LF instead of plain LF.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/maildir_stat_dirs', :display_name => 'maildir stat dirs', :description => 'By default LIST command returns all entries in maildir beginning with a dot.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/maildir_copy_with_hardlinks', :display_name => 'maildir copy with hardlinks', :description => 'When copying a message, do it with hard links whenever possible.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/maildir_very_dirty_syncs', :display_name => 'maildir very dirty syncs', :description => 'Assume Dovecot is the only MUA accessing Maildir.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mbox_read_locks', :display_name => 'mbox read locks', :description => 'Which read locking methods to use for locking mbox: dotlock, dotlock_try, fcntl, flock or lockfyy', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mbox_write_locks', :display_name => 'mbox write locks', :description => 'Which write locking methods to use for locking mbox: dotlock, dotlock_try, fcntl, flock or lockfyy', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mbox_lock_timeout', :display_name => 'mbox lock timeout', :description => 'Maximum time to wait for lock (all of them) before aborting.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mbox_dotlock_change_timeout', :display_name => 'mbox dotlock change timeout', :description => 'If dotlock exists but the mailbox isn\'t modified in any way, override the lock file after this much time.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mbox_dirty_syncs', :display_name => 'mbox dirty syncs', :description => 'When mbox changes unexpectedly simply read the new mails but still safely fallbacks to re-reading the whole mbox file whenever something in mbox isn\'t how it\'s expected to be.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mbox_very_dirty_syncs', :display_name => 'mbox very dirty syncs', :description => 'Like mbox_dirty_syncs, but don\'t do full syncs even with SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE or CHECK commands.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mbox_lazy_writes', :display_name => 'mbox lazy writes', :description => 'Delay writing mbox headers until doing a full write sync (EXPUNGE and CHECK commands and when closing the mailbox).', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mbox_min_index_size', :display_name => 'mbox min index size', :description => 'If mbox size is smaller than this (e.g. 100k), don\'t write index files.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mdbox_rotate_size', :display_name => 'mdbox rotate size', :description => 'Maximum dbox file size until it\'s rotated.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mdbox_rotate_interval', :display_name => 'mdbox rotate interval', :description => 'Maximum dbox file age until it\'s rotated.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mdbox_preallocate_space', :display_name => 'mdbox preallocate space', :description => 'When creating new mdbox files, immediately preallocate their size to mdbox_rotate_size.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_attachment_min_size', :display_name => 'mail attachment min size', :description => 'Attachments smaller than this aren\'t saved externally.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_attachment_fs', :display_name => 'mail attachment fs', :description => 'Filesystem backend to use for saving attachments: posix, sis posix or sis-queue posix.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/mail_attachment_hash', :display_name => 'mail attachment hash', :description => 'Hash format to use in attachment filenames.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' # # conf.d/10-master.conf # attribute 'dovecot/default_process_limit', :display_name => 'default process limit', :description => 'Default process limit.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/default_client_limit', :display_name => 'default client limit', :description => 'Default client limit.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/default_vsz_limit', :display_name => 'default vsz limit', :description => 'Default VSZ (virtual memory size) limit for service processes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/default_login_user', :display_name => 'default login user', :description => 'Login user is internally used by login processes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/default_internal_user', :display_name => 'default internal user', :description => 'Internal user is used by unprivileged processes.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' # # conf.d/10-ssl.conf # attribute 'dovecot/ssl', :display_name => 'ssl', :description => 'SSL/TLS support: true or false', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/ssl_cert', :display_name => 'ssl cert', :description => 'PEM encoded X.509 SSL/TLS certificate.', :calculated => true, :type => 'string', :required => 'optional' attribute 'dovecot/ssl_key', :display_name => 'ssl key', :description => 'PEM encoded X.509 SSL/TLS private key.', :calculated => true, :type => 'string', :required => 'optional' attribute 'dovecot/ssl_key_password', :display_name => 'ssl key password', :description => 'If key file is password protected, give the password here.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/ssl_ca', :display_name => 'ssl ca', :description => 'PEM encoded trusted certificate authority.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/ssl_verify_client_cert', :display_name => 'ssl verify client cert', :description => 'Request client to send a certificate.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/ssl_cert_username_field', :display_name => 'ssl cert username field', :description => 'Which field from certificate to use for username.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/ssl_parameters_regenerate', :display_name => 'ssl parameters regenerate', :description => 'How often to regenerate the SSL parameters file.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/ssl_cipher_list', :display_name => 'ssl cipher list', :description => 'SSL ciphers to use', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' # # conf.d/10-tcpwrapper.conf # attribute 'dovecot/login_access_sockets', :display_name => 'login access sockets', :description => 'login access sockets', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' # # conf.d/15-lda.conf # attribute 'dovecot/postmaster_address', :display_name => 'postmaster address', :description => 'Address to use when sending rejection mails.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/hostname', :display_name => 'hostname', :description => 'Hostname to use in various parts of sent mails, eg. in Message-Id.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/quota_full_tempfail', :display_name => 'quota full tempfail', :description => 'If user is over quota, return with temporary failure instead of bouncing the mail.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/sendmail_path', :display_name => 'sendmail path', :description => 'Binary to use for sending mails.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/submission_host', :display_name => 'submission host', :description => 'If non-empty, send mails via this SMTP host[:port] instead of sendmail.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/rejection_subject', :display_name => 'rejection subject', :description => 'Subject: header to use for rejection mails.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/rejection_reason', :display_name => 'rejection reason', :description => 'Human readable error message for rejection mails.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/recipient_delimiter', :display_name => 'recipient delimiter', :description => 'Delimiter character between local-part and detail in email address.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/lda_original_recipient_header', :display_name => 'lda original recipient header', :description => 'Header where the original recipient address (SMTP\'s RCPT TO: address) is taken from if not available elsewhere.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/lda_mailbox_autocreate', :display_name => 'lda mailbox autocreate', :description => 'Should saving a mail to a nonexistent mailbox automatically create it?', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/lda_mailbox_autosubscribe', :display_name => 'lda mailbox autosubscribe', :description => 'Should automatically created mailboxes be also automatically subscribed?', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' # # conf.d/20-lmtp.conf # attribute 'dovecot/lmtp_proxy', :display_name => 'lmtp proxy', :description => 'Support proxying to other LMTP/SMTP servers by performing passdb lookups.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil' attribute 'dovecot/lmtp_save_to_detail_mailbox', :display_name => 'lmtp save to detail mailbox', :description => 'hen recipient address includes the detail (e.g. user+detail), try to save the mail to the detail mailbox.', :type => 'string', :required => 'optional', :default => 'nil'