# # Cookbook Name:: dovecot_test # Recipe:: attributes # # Copyright 2013, Onddo Labs, Sl. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # auth.rb node.default['dovecot']['auth']['checkpassword'] = { # hash 'passdb' => { 'driver' => 'checkpassword', 'args' => '/usr/bin/checkpassword', }, 'userdb' => { 'driver' => 'prefetch', }, } node.default['dovecot']['auth']['system']['passdb'] = [ # array { # without driver 'args' => 'dovecot', }, { 'driver' => 'passwd', 'args' => '', }, { 'driver' => 'shadow', 'args' => '', }, { 'driver' => 'bsdauth', 'args' => '', }, ] # conf-dovecot-dict-sql.rb node.default['dovecot']['conf']['dict_sql']['maps'] = [ { 'pattern' => 'priv/quota/storage', 'table' => 'quota', 'username_field' => 'username', 'value_field' => 'bytes', }, { 'pattern' => 'priv/quota/messages', 'table' => 'quota', 'username_field' => 'username', 'value_field' => 'messages', }, { 'pattern' => 'shared/expire/$user/$mailbox', 'table' => 'expires', 'value_field' => 'expire_stamp', 'fields' => { 'username' => '$user', 'mailbox' => '$mailbox', }, }, ] # namespaces.rb node.default['dovecot']['namespaces'] = [ { 'separator' => '/', 'prefix' => '"#mbox/"', 'location' => 'mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u', 'inbox' => true, 'hidden' => true, 'list' => false, }, { 'separator' => '/', 'prefix' => '', 'location' => 'maildir:~/Maildir', }, # mailboxes require dovecot >= 2.1 # { # 'name' => 'inbox', # 'separator' => '/', # 'prefix' => '', # 'inbox' => 'yes', # 'inbox' => true, # 'mailboxes' => { # 'Drafts' => { # 'special_use' => '\Drafts', # }, # 'Junk' => { # 'special_use' => '\Junk', # }, # 'Trash' => { # 'special_use' => '\Trash', # }, # 'Sent' => { # 'special_use' => '\Sent', # }, # 'Sent Messages' => { # 'special_use' => '\Sent', # }, # 'virtual/All' => { # 'special_use' => '\All', # }, # 'virtual/Flagged' => { # 'special_use' => '\All', # }, # }, # }, ] # plugins.rb node.default['dovecot']['plugins']['mail_log'] = { 'mail_log_events' => 'delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_delete mailbox_rename', 'mail_log_fields' => 'uid box msgid size' } node.default['dovecot']['plugins']['sieve'] = { 'sieve' => '~/.dovecot.sieve', 'sieve_dir' => '~/sieve', } # protocols.rb node.default['dovecot']['protocols']['lda'] = { 'mail_plugins' => [ '$mail_plugins' ], } # services.rb node.default['dovecot']['services']['director']['listeners'] = [ { 'unix:login/director' => { 'mode' => '0666', } }, { 'fifo:login/proxy-notify' => { 'mode' => '0666', } }, { 'unix:director-userdb' => { 'mode' => '0666', } }, { 'inet' => { 'port' => '5432', } }, ] node.default['dovecot']['services']['imap-login'] = { 'listeners' => [ { 'inet:imap' => { 'port' => 143, } }, { 'inet:imaps' => { 'port' => 993, 'ssl' => true, } }, ], 'service_count' => 1, 'process_min_avail' => 0, 'vsz_limit' => '64M', } include_recipe 'dovecot'