# # Cookbook Name:: dovecot # Recipe:: default # # Copyright 2013, Onddo Labs, Sl. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # packages # conf_files = node['dovecot']['conf_files']['core'] case node['platform'] when 'redhat','centos','scientific','fedora','suse','amazon' then # core, imap, pop3, lmtp, ldap, sqlite package 'dovecot' conf_files += node['dovecot']['conf_files']['imap'] + node['dovecot']['conf_files']['pop3'] + node['dovecot']['conf_files']['lmtp'] + node['dovecot']['conf_files']['ldap'] # sieve if Dovecot::Plugins.required?('sieve', node['dovecot']) package 'dovecot-pigeonhole' conf_files += node['dovecot']['conf_files']['sieve'] end when 'debian', 'ubuntu' then # core package 'dovecot-core' package 'dovecot-gssapi' # imap if Dovecot::Protocols.enabled?('imap', node['dovecot']['protocols']) package 'dovecot-imapd' conf_files += node['dovecot']['conf_files']['imap'] end # pop3 if Dovecot::Protocols.enabled?('pop3', node['dovecot']['protocols']) package 'dovecot-pop3d' conf_files += node['dovecot']['conf_files']['pop3'] end # lmtp if Dovecot::Protocols.enabled?('lmtp', node['dovecot']['protocols']) package 'dovecot-lmtpd' conf_files += node['dovecot']['conf_files']['lmtp'] end # sieve if Dovecot::Plugins.required?('sieve', node['dovecot']) package 'dovecot-sieve' package 'dovecot-managesieved' conf_files += node['dovecot']['conf_files']['sieve'] end # ldap if node['dovecot']['auth']['ldap'].kind_of?(Array) and node['dovecot']['auth']['ldap'].length > 0 package 'dovecot-ldap' conf_files += node['dovecot']['conf_files']['ldap'] end # sqlite package 'dovecot-sqlite' do only_if do node['dovecot']['conf']['sql']['driver'] == 'sqlite' end end else log('Unsupported platform, trying to guess dovecot packages') { level :warn } package 'dovecot' end package 'dovecot-mysql' do only_if do node['dovecot']['conf']['sql']['driver'] == 'mysql' end end package 'dovecot-pgsql' do only_if do node['dovecot']['conf']['sql']['driver'] == 'pgsql' end end # # system users # user node['dovecot']['user'] do comment 'Dovecot mail server' home node['dovecot']['lib_path'] shell '/bin/false' system true end group node['dovecot']['group'] do members [ node['dovecot']['user'] ] system true append true end # # config files # # create the required directories directory node['dovecot']['lib_path'] do owner node['dovecot']['conf_files_user'] group node['dovecot']['conf_files_group'] mode '00755' end conf_files_dirs = conf_files.map{ |f| ::File.dirname(f) }.uniq conf_files_dirs.each do |dir| directory dir do owner 'root' group node['dovecot']['group'] mode '00755' only_if do dir != '.' end end end # create the conf files conf_files.each do |conf_file| template "#{node['dovecot']['conf_path']}/#{conf_file}" do source "#{conf_file}.erb" owner node['dovecot']['conf_files_user'] group node['dovecot']['conf_files_group'] mode node['dovecot']['conf_files_mode'] variables( :auth => node['dovecot']['auth'], :protocols => node['dovecot']['protocols'], :services => node['dovecot']['services'], :plugins => node['dovecot']['plugins'], :namespaces => node['dovecot']['namespaces'], :conf => node['dovecot']['conf'] ) notifies :reload, 'service[dovecot]' end end service 'dovecot' do supports :restart => true, :reload => true, :status => true action [ :enable, :start ] end