chefignore 985 B

  1. # Put files/directories that should be ignored in this file when uploading
  2. # or sharing to the community site.
  3. # Lines that start with '# ' are comments.
  4. # OS generated files #
  5. ######################
  6. .DS_Store
  7. Icon?
  8. nohup.out
  9. ehthumbs.db
  10. Thumbs.db
  11. # SASS #
  12. ########
  13. .sass-cache
  14. # EDITORS #
  15. ###########
  16. \#*
  17. .#*
  18. *~
  19. *.sw[a-z]
  20. *.bak
  22. TAGS*
  23. tmtags
  24. *_flymake.*
  25. *_flymake
  26. *.tmproj
  27. .project
  28. .settings
  29. mkmf.log
  30. ## COMPILED ##
  31. ##############
  32. a.out
  33. *.o
  34. *.pyc
  35. *.so
  36. *.com
  37. *.class
  38. *.dll
  39. *.exe
  40. */rdoc/
  41. # Testing #
  42. ###########
  43. .watchr
  44. .rspec
  45. spec/*
  46. spec/fixtures/*
  47. test/*
  48. features/*
  49. Guardfile
  50. Procfile
  51. # SCM #
  52. #######
  53. .git
  54. */.git
  55. .gitignore
  56. .gitmodules
  57. .gitconfig
  58. .gitattributes
  59. .svn
  60. */.bzr/*
  61. */.hg/*
  62. */.svn/*
  63. # Berkshelf #
  64. #############
  65. Berksfile
  66. Berksfile.lock
  67. cookbooks/*
  68. tmp
  69. # Cookbooks #
  70. #############
  73. # Strainer #
  74. ############
  75. Colanderfile
  76. Strainerfile
  77. .colander
  78. .strainer
  79. # Vagrant #
  80. ###########
  81. .vagrant
  82. Vagrantfile
  83. # Travis #
  84. ##########
  85. .travis.yml