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Updated the file with description and examples

Juanje Ojeda 12 years ago
1 changed files with 143 additions and 4 deletions
  1. 143 4

+ 143 - 4

@@ -1,18 +1,157 @@
-This cookbok install resources and providers to manage configuration files.
+LWRP to manage configuration files.
-You can add the recipe `conf` to a node _runlist_, so all the recipes from
+Right now the LWRP manages plain files but INI files are also planned to be managed.
+The actions that can be done by this LWRP over plain files are:
+* `:append` - Append a line at the end of the file
+* `:remove` - Remove a specific line whith match with a passed pattern
+* `:replace` - Replace a specific line with a new line
+* `:insert_after_match` - Search for a pattern and insert a line after if it's found
+* `:insert_if_not_match` - Search for a pattern and append a line if the pattern isn't found
+You can add the recipe `conf` to a node `run_list`, so all the recipes from
 that runlist can use the resources and providers.
 that runlist can use the resources and providers.
+In order to use this LWRP from your cookbook or recipe you need to add
+this cookbook as a dependency at the `metadata.rb` file.
+But as long as `chef-client` doesn't manage the dependencies, you'll need
+to add the cookbook also to the node's `run_list`.
+After doing that you can do things like:
+    conf_plain_file '/etc/hosts' do
+      pattern  /test\.mydomain/
+      new_line ''
+      action   :insert_if_no_match
+    end
+Which will insert the `new_line` if the file doesn't contain the _pattern_
+To see how this works and how could be used from another cookbook, let's see
+some examples.
+Let's say we have a file named `/tmp/file.txt` which content is:
+    0 - Line zero
+    1 - First line
+    2 - Second line
+    3 - Third line
+    4 - Last line
+To replace one line with another one, we can do from our recipe:
+    conf_plain_file '/tmp/file.txt' do
+      current_line '2 - Second line'
+      new_line     '2 - The new Second line'
+      action :replace
+    end
+The result content will be:
+    0 - Line zero
+    1 - First line
+    2 - The new Second line
+    3 - Third line
+    4 - Last line
+To append one line we can do this:
+    conf_plain_file '/tmp/file.txt' do
+      new_line     '5 - New Last Line'
+      action :append
+    end
+The result content will be:
+    0 - Line zero
+    1 - First line
+    2 - Second line
+    3 - Third line
+    4 - Last line
+    5 - New Last Line
+To remove one specific line:
+    conf_plain_file '/tmp/file.txt' do
+      pattern /Third/
+      action :remove
+    end
+The result content will be:
+    0 - Line zero
+    1 - First line
+    2 - Second line
+    4 - Last line
+To append a line with some text if the text doesn't is yet at the file:
+    conf_plain_file '/tmp/file.txt' do
+      pattern   /6 -/
+      new_line  '6 - A new line six'
+      action :insert_if_no_match
+    end
+The result content will be:
+    0 - Line zero
+    1 - First line
+    2 - Second line
+    3 - Third line
+    4 - Last line
+    6 - A new line six
+To insert a line in the file after another line but not at the end:
+    conf_plain_file '/vagrant/insert_after_match.txt' do
+      pattern   /First/
+      new_line  '  1.5 - Almost second line'
+      action :insert_after_match
+    end
+The result content will be:
+    0 - Line zero
+    1 - First line
+      1.5 - Almost second line
+    2 - Second line
+    3 - Third line
+    4 - Last line
+License and Author
+Author:: Juanje Ojeda <>
+Copyright:: 2011 Junta de Andalucía
+Copyright:: 2012 Juanje Ojeda <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.