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- @block_callbacks
- Feature: Run block callbacks
- In order to write my application recipe
- As a recipe developer
- I want my callbacks to be called
- Scenario: Deploy a basic app
- Given a new server
- Then the "/var/www/block_callbacks" directory should exist
- And the "/var/www/block_callbacks/shared" directory should exist
- And the "/var/www/block_callbacks/releases/0b60046431d14b6615d53ae6d8bd0ac62ae3eb6f" directory should exist
- And the "/tmp/block_callbacks/before_deploy" file should exist
- And it should contain a line matching "release_path /var/www/block_callbacks/releases/0b60046431d14b6615d53ae6d8bd0ac62ae3eb6f"
- And it should contain a line matching "shared_path /var/www/block_callbacks/shared"
- And the "/tmp/block_callbacks/before_migrate" file should exist
- And it should contain a line matching "release_path /var/www/block_callbacks/releases/0b60046431d14b6615d53ae6d8bd0ac62ae3eb6f"
- And it should contain a line matching "shared_path /var/www/block_callbacks/shared"
- And the "/tmp/block_callbacks/before_symlink" file should exist
- And it should contain a line matching "release_path /var/www/block_callbacks/releases/0b60046431d14b6615d53ae6d8bd0ac62ae3eb6f"
- And it should contain a line matching "shared_path /var/www/block_callbacks/shared"
- And the "/tmp/block_callbacks/before_restart" file should exist
- And it should contain a line matching "release_path /var/www/block_callbacks/releases/0b60046431d14b6615d53ae6d8bd0ac62ae3eb6f"
- And it should contain a line matching "shared_path /var/www/block_callbacks/shared"
- And the "/tmp/block_callbacks/after_restart" file should exist
- And it should contain a line matching "release_path /var/www/block_callbacks/releases/0b60046431d14b6615d53ae6d8bd0ac62ae3eb6f"
- And it should contain a line matching "shared_path /var/www/block_callbacks/shared"