maintainer "Opscode, Inc." maintainer_email "" license "Apache 2.0" description "Deploys and configures a variety of applications" long_description, '')) version "1.1.0" recipe "application", "Loads application databags and selects recipes to use" recipe "application::django", "Deploys a Django application specified in a data bag with the deploy_revision resource" recipe "application::gunicorn", "Sets up the deployed Django application with Gunicorn as the web server" recipe "application::java_webapp", "Deploys a Java web application WAR specified in a data bag with the remote_file resource" recipe "application::mod_php_apache2", "Sets up a deployed PHP application as a mod_php virtual host in Apache2" recipe "application::passenger_apache2", "Sets up a deployed Rails application as a Passenger virtual host in Apache2" recipe "application::php", "Deploys a PHP application specified in a data bag with the deploy_revision resource" recipe "application::rails", "Deploys a Rails application specified in a data bag with the deploy_revision resource" recipe "application::tomcat", "Sets up the deployed Java application with Tomcat as the servlet container" recipe "application::unicorn", "Sets up the deployed Rails application with Unicorn as the web server" %w{ runit unicorn apache2 passenger_apache2 tomcat python gunicorn php database }.each do |cb| depends cb end depends "python", ">= 1.0.6"