{ "id": "my_app", "server_roles": [ "application specific role(s), typically the name of the app, e.g., my_app", "my_app" ], "type": { "my_app": [ "recipes in this application cookbook to run for this role", "django", "gunicorn" ] }, "database_slave_role": [ "name of the role used by database slaves, typically named after the app, 'my_app_database_slave'", "my_app_database_slave" ], "database_master_role": [ "name of the role used by database master, typically named after the app 'my_app_database_master'", "my_app_database_master" ], "repository": "git@github.com:company/my_app.git", "revision": { "production": "commit hash, branch or tag to deploy" }, "force": { "production": "true or false w/o quotes to force deployment, see the rails.rb recipe" }, "migrate": { "production": "true or false boolean to force migration, see rails.rb recipe" }, "databases": { "production": { "encoding": "utf8", "username": "db_user", "adapter": "mysql", "port": "3306", "password": "awesome_password", "database": "db_name_production" } }, "mysql_root_password": { "production": "password for the root user in mysql" }, "mysql_debian_password": { "production": "password for the debian-sys-maint user on ubuntu/debian" }, "mysql_repl_password": { "production": "password for the 'repl' user for replication." }, "snapshots_to_keep": { "production": "if using EBS, integer of the number of snapshots we're going to keep for this environment." }, "deploy_key": "SSH private key used to deploy from a private git repository", "deploy_to": "path to deploy, e.g. /srv/my_app", "owner": "owner for the application files when deployed", "group": "group for the application files when deployed", "packages": { "package_name": "specific packages required for installation at the OS level to run the app like libraries and specific version, e.g.", "curl": "7.19.5-1ubuntu2" }, "pips": { "pip_name": "specific gems required for installation to run the application, and if a specific version is required, e.g.", "django": "1.2" }, "local_settings_file_name":"local_settings.py" }